I want to see you get rapid results.
I want you to see changes from the first time that we talk.
Give me 25 minutes and $25.
Let’s see the change we can create.
The 4 types of people I work with:
The Goal Getter
The Superhero
The Overachiever Battling Anxiety
The Crashed and Burned
The Goal Getter.
You’re proud to be a hard worker. You’re an overachiever, but you may not even realize you are because you have such high expectations of yourself.
No matter how much you check off in a day, month, or year, you always have more to check off, and you’re always looking at the next task that’s undone.
There’s more that you want to get done, but you can’t get it done and you don’t know why. Maybe you’ve heard of limiting beliefs or mindset issues. Whatever those are, you know you’re the one in your way. You just have this one thing that you can’t figure out. Once you get it sorted, you’ll be racing forward toward your goals again.
You like quick fixes. Let’s get it done.
2. The Superhero
You’re proud to be a hard worker. You’re an overachiever, but you may not even realize you are because you have such high expectations of yourself.
No matter how much you check off in a day, month, or year, you always have more to check off, and you’re always looking at the next task that’s undone.
You run around tending to everyone else’s needs. You’re proud to be the one everyone can count on. You’re the first one to jump in to save someone. Your needs come last, if you get to them at all. You like to pretend that you don’t have needs. And you’re terrible at asking for help.
Like any good Superhero, you’ve surrounded yourself with people who need rescuing and maybe a few other superheroes. You reveal your true self to only a select few individuals. Some of your relationships feel like hard work.
You’re really good at compartmentalizing and shutting off your emotions. You may be overeating or stress eating and/or drinking too much as a way to cope.
You may suffer from (situational) depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, C-PTSD, ADD, and/or ADHD.
You like quick fixes. You aren’t one to spend a year on something when you can get it done in a month.
3. The Overachiever Struggling with Anxiety.
Your anxiety has always been both friend and foe, though you may have only recognized it when you were struggling against it. Now that you look back at things, you can see that your anxiety was what energized you to get things done. And at the same time, your anxiety meant that you were always running on extra energy. And sometimes, it gave you too much energy and got in your way.
You have very high expectations of yourself, and you expect yourself to meet them all of the time. It’s important to you to get things done, and to do them well.
If you haven’t, you suspect you have at least one. You want to fix this without medication, or with as little medication as possible.
You used to be really good at compartmentalizing and shutting off your emotions. Now, your emotions are running wild, and you don’t know how to manage them. You’d love to go back to stuffing them or ignoring them, but that doesn’t seem to be an option. You may be overeating or stress eating and/or drinking too much as a way to cope.
You know that you want your life to be better than this, and you’re ready to make it happen, sooner rather than later.
4. The Crashed & Burned
(Crawling out of the wreckage)
You were proud to be a hard worker, and you’re struggling now with not being able to work hard like you used to. What is your value if you can’t get things done?
You may have suffered a traumatic event, such as an assault, being bullied at work, being rejected by family members, the death of a loved one, a difficult divorce, or something else. You told yourself to do what you always do - keep going. And you did keep going and now you know that you made it worse for yourself. The thing is, though, you still just want to get up and keep going.
If you haven’t, you suspect you have at least one. You want to fix this without medication, or with as little medication as possible.
You used to be really good at compartmentalizing and shutting off your emotions. Now, your emotions are running wild, and you don’t know how to manage them. You’d love to go back to stuffing them or ignoring them, but that doesn’t seem to be an option. You may be overeating or stress eating and/or drinking too much as a way to cope.
You know that you want your life to be better than this, and you’re ready to make it happen, sooner rather than later.
How did you do? If you checked most of the boxes in any of those above, then we should talk. You’re probably my kind of client, and I’m probably your kind of coach.
How did you do?
If you checked most of the boxes in any of those above, then we should talk. You’re probably my kind of client, and I’m probably your kind of coach.
You see, I have fit in each of these categories earlier in my life.
Now that you know the problem
Let’s talk about the solution…
[Click on your archetype below]
As a Goal Getter, you just want to get out of your own way. Let’s fix what’s in your way and get you back to doing what you do best - getting things done.
Let’s set up a month to work together. You’ll get 1 conscious strategy session + 1 hypnotherapy session + 1 hypnotherapy recording.
Then, you can check this task off your to do list, and move on to other things.
As a Superhero, you have an overdeveloped sense of responsibility for the world and its problems. You’re putting everyone else’s needs first and you are proud to be able to meet their needs plus your own. Being vulnerable and asking for help are very difficult for you.
You’re a hard worker, and you’re proud of all that you accomplish. (You’re also tired.)
I’d like you to imagine a world where you easily ask for help and receive it. I’m not talking about paying for help - superheroes can be fine with that.
I’m talking about being comfortably vulnerable, admitting that you need help, and asking for help when you are giving nothing in return. If that feels uncomfortable, congratulations! You’re a Superhero!
Let’s move you from feeling uncomfortable to feeling inspired, and strengthen that “asking for help” muscle.
I’d like you to imagine a world where you love and accept yourself, fully and unconditionally, where you love all of you, not just your favorite bits.
In this world, you’ve let go of requiring yourself to be all things to all people. You get to just be you, wonderful you. And people love you, just as you are, regardless of any imperfections you think you have.
You no longer are required to do all things. You prioritize joy every single day. You get to relax.
You know your strengths and your weaknesses. You play to your strengths. You support your weaknesses. And your life is so much easier now.
Let’s set up 4 months to work together.
You have all the courage in the world, my friend. You’ve been able to do so much for so many for so long, even when it was also really, really hard going.
Let’s get you relaxed and receiving.
You’ll get 4 conscious strategy sessions + 4 hypnotherapy sessions + 4 hypnotherapy recordings.
Click here to make it happen.
Then, put aside your Superhero cape for today and go do do something nice for yourself. You’ve earned it.
You’re so hard on yourself, my friend. You want more in life, and you know it’s possible, if only the anxiety would stop getting in the way.
You’re always doing something.
People can count on you to volunteer and they know that you will do a great job with anything you do, even if you think that you just did OK, and you could have done better….
You’ve gone from being a Proud Perfectionist to recognizing that perfectionism hurts and holds you back, even if you’re still proud of the work that you do. It’s just that it takes you so much more to do the work, second-guessing yourself, and rereading anything you create to make sure it’s picture-perfect. You’ve blown interviews from being too anxious.
You really want people to like you. You’ve been accused of being a people-pleaser, and that just sounds so harsh! What’s wrong with wanting to please people or wanting to be liked? And at the same time, it’s hard for you to say no to people and to put your own needs first.
It can be hard to relax and just have fun, especially without alcohol. You use food to comfort yourself and help you through the hard times. Stress eating is normal; right? And a glass of wine (or two) after work, after a hard day’s work, after a hard week, all of that is normal and helps to take the edge off.
Imagine a world where you always default to feeling relaxed and comfortable. Your Inner Task Master has been tamed. You make decisions based on what you actually want to do.
You are comfortable setting boundaries and saying no because you know in your heart that people love you, and they will still love you even if you say no to them. You are safe to say no.
You are also safe to say yes, and that means that you get to have so much more fun in life! You get to do the things that you’ve been dying to do, but too afraid to try. And it all feels wonderful!
Let’s set up 2 months to work together if your focus is simply your anxiety, 4 months if you would like to work on your anxiety + your relationships. Let’s get you reset to feeling safe in the world so that you can simply relax and enjoy yourself.
I’ll teach you how to make friends with your anxiety so that you can release it and let it go in as little as 90 seconds.
For the 2-month plan, you’ll get 2 conscious strategy sessions + 2 hypnotherapy sessions + 2 hypnotherapy recordings.
For the 4-month plan, you’ll get 4 conscious strategy sessions + 4 hypnotherapy sessions + 4 hypnotherapy recordings.
Click here to make it happen.
Then, go do something nice for yourself. You’ve earned it.
Ouch! It hurt to crash and burn. And it hurts to move forward, too. Let’s just honor that for a moment.
I have good news and bad news, my friend. The good news is that it is possible to heal. The bad news is that it is going to take longer than you want it to.
Initially, after we crash and burn, we just want to go back to our old self, our old normal. The reality is that that old self doesn’t exist anymore. That old self didn’t know what it was like to crash and burn. You do.
The good news is that you are wiser than you were before the crash. You can heal and create a better life for yourself than you ever believed possible before you crashed and burned.
Imagine a life where you have replaced working hard with working strategically. You play to your strengths and you support your weaknesses.
Imagine a life where you are surrounded by people who love and support you, just as you are, wonderful you!
Let’s set up 6 months to work together. You have all the courage in the world, my friend. You’ve been able to do so much for so many for so long, even when it was also really, really hard going.
Let’s set you up to relax and receive. You’ll get 9 conscious strategy sessions + 6 hypnotherapy sessions + 6 hypnotherapy recordings.
You can pay monthly.
Click here to make it happen.
Then, go do do something nice for yourself. You’ve earned it.
How did I come to do this work?
Want to discuss your results?
I used to be a mediator and conflict coach. I helped over 1,500 people navigate conflict successfully. I also was married to someone I would describe as a Rebel, With or Without A Cause. And I was on more boards and committees than I would like to admit to. I spent a lot of time as a Superhero, running around saving everyone else and pretending I didn’t have needs. I was really good at getting things done. I spent a long time burning the candle at both ends before I finally burnt out.
If it hadn’t been for the attempted kidnapping, I might never have gotten to the crashed and burnt stage. I might have just kept on burning out for years.
But two people tried to kidnap me, and that was a breaking point for me. I made my needs a priority, and I lost relationships as a result. That hurt. A lot.
And I have a better life today because I lost those relationships.
In 2018, I left everything behind - my career, my marriage, and even my country - in order to save myself. I wandered the world until covid hit, and then I settled in Oregon.
I took stock of my strengths (and weaknesses) and created a new path forward for myself. Hypnotherapy was incredibly healing for me, and I’m proud to offer hypnotherapy to you now, to help you heal as quickly and easily as possible!